Channel: Andy Zucker – Set Theory Talks
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Andy Zucker: Interactions between logic and topological dynamics

We will begin a new topic on Tuesday.  Andzy Zucker will speak on interactions between logic and topological dynamics. Mathematical logic seminar – November 12 2013 Time:     12:00 – 13:20 Room:     Wean Hall 7201 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Interactions between logic and topological dynamics Abstract: Given a topological group G, a G-flow is a jointly continuous action GxX –> X, where X is compact Hausdorff. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: Interactions between logic and topological dynamic II

Andy Zucker will continue his series of talks on interactions between logic and topological dynamics. Mathematical logic seminar – November 19 2013 Time:     12:00 – 13:20 Room:     Wean Hall 7201 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Interactions between logic and topological dynamics Abstract: Given a topological group G, a G-flow is a jointly continuous action GxX –> X, where X is compact Hausdorff. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: Interactions between logic and topological dynamics

Mathematical logic seminar – December 3 2013 Time:     12:00 – 13:20 Room:     Wean Hall 7201 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Interactions between logic and topological dynamics Abstract: Given a topological group G, a G-flow is a jointly continuous action GxX –> X, where X is compact Hausdorff. continue reading…

Logic, Dynamics, and Their Interactions II, June 2 – 6, 2014

Logic, Dynamics, and Their Interactions II June 2 – 6, 2014 University of North Texas Denton, TX Registration is now open!  Click here to register online.  Speakers will talk on descriptive set theory, ergodic theory, dynamical systems, and other related topics. continue reading…

BLAST Conference at UNT June 8–12, 2015

BLAST2015@UNT Conference – ANNOUNCEMENT 1. http://math.unt.edu/BLAST2015@UNT DATE: June 8 – 12, 2015 WHERE: University of North Texas in Denton, TX BLAST (Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebraic & Quantum Logic, Universal Algebra, Set Theory, and Set-theoretic & Point-free Topology) is an annual conference sponsored by the National Science Foundation that has been running since 2008. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: Universal metrizable minimal flows

Mathematical logic seminar – November 24, 2015 Time:     12:30 – 13:30 Room:     Wean Hall 7201 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Universal metrizable minimal flows Abstract:     Let G be a Polish group. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: Universal metrizable minimal flows

Mathematical logic seminar – December 8, 2015 Time:     12:30 – 13:30 Room:     Wean Hall 7201 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Universal metrizable minimal flows Abstract:     Let G be a Polish group. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: Algebra in the Samuel compactification II

Mathematical logic seminar – April 19 2016 Time:     12:30 – 13:30 Room:     Wean Hall 8220 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Algebra in the Samuel compactification II Abstract: To every topological group G we can associate its Samuel compactification (S(G), 1). continue reading…

Andy Zucker: Algebra in the Samuel compactification II

Mathematical logic seminar – April 19 2016 Time:     12:30 – 13:30 Room:     Wean Hall 8220 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Algebra in the Samuel compactification II Abstract: To every topological group G we can associate its Samuel compactification (S(G), 1). continue reading…

Andy Zucker: Topological dynamics and Devlin’s theorem

Mathematical logic seminar – October 4 2016 Time:     3:30pm – 4:30 pm Room:     Wean Hall 8220 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Topological dynamics and Devlin’s theorem Abstract: If G is a topological group, a G-flow is a compact Hausdorff space X with a continuous right action a: X x G to X. continue reading…

Andy Zucker : Ramsey degrees big and small

Mathematical logic seminar – November 15 2016 Time:     3:30pm – 4:30 pm Room:     Wean Hall 8220 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Ramsey degrees big and small Abstract: We will consider various aspects of structural Ramsey theory in a countable first-order structure, leading to an investigation of several notions of largeness. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: Ramsey degrees big and small II

Mathematical logic seminar – November 29 2016 Time:     3:30pm – 4:30 pm Room:     Wean Hall 8220 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Ramsey degrees big and small II Abstract: We will consider various aspects of structural Ramsey theory in a countable first-order structure, leading to an investigation of several notions of largeness. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: An ultrafilter proof of the 2-dimensional Halpern-Laüchli Theorem

Mathematical logic seminar – Jan 31 2017 Time:     3:30pm – 4:30 pm Room:     Wean Hall 8220 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     An ultrafilter proof of the 2-dimensional Halpern-Laüchli Theorem Abstract: We will discuss the Halpern-Laüchli Theorem and provide a new proof in dimension 2. continue reading…

Ultrafilters, Ramsey Theory and Dynamics, Villeurbanne, November 20-24, 2017

Ultrafilters, Ramsey Theory and Dynamics 20-24 Nov 2017 Villeurbanne (France) Description This week-long event, scheduled between November 20 and November 24, 2017 at the University of Lyon 1, is a combined school and workshop focusing primarily on the rich interactions between ultrafilters, topological dynamics and ergodic theory and applications to Ramsey theory. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: A direct solution to the Generic Point Problem

Mathematical logic seminar – Sep 5 2017 Time:     3:30pm – 4:30 pm Room:     Wean Hall 8220 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     A direct solution to the Generic Point Problem Abstract: We provide a new proof of a recent theorem of Ben-Yaacov, Melleray, and Tsankov. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: A direct solution to the Generic Point Problem II

Mathematical logic seminar – Sep 12 2017 Time:     3:30pm – 4:30 pm Room:     Wean Hall 8220 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     A direct solution to the Generic Point Problem II Abstract: We provide a new proof of a recent theorem of Ben-Yaacov, Melleray, and Tsankov. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: Maximal equivariant compactifications of categorical metric structures

Mathematical logic seminar – Mar 27 2018 Time:     3:30pm – 4:30 pm Room:     Wean Hall 8220 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Maximal equivariant compactifications of categorical metric structures Abstract: Any completely regular space embeds into a compact space. continue reading…

Andy Zucker: Maximal equivariant compactifications of categorical metric structures

Mathematical logic seminar – April 3 2018 Time:     3:30pm – 4:30 pm Room:     Wean Hall 8220 Speaker:         Andy Zucker Department of Mathematical Sciences CMU Title:     Maximal equivariant compactifications of categorical metric structures Abstract: Any completely regular space embeds into a compact space. continue reading…
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